Playing in the Sandbox: Industry Must Align on a Common Set of O-RAN Standards
By Middle Wen
August 20, 2024
O-RAN is an initiative to bring openness and standardization to mobile network infrastructure. It’s the path to avoiding vendor lock-in and keeping costs down for mobile operators, who are ultimately the customers buying all the network hardware and software. Yet even as diversity fuels innovation and competition—factors that reduce costs and enhance quality—it also complicates network management and standardization.
This complexity is highlighted by the misalignment of specifications between two significant players in the O-RAN market: 3GPP, the body behind the 5G standard, and the O-RAN ALLIANCE, the major developer of O-RAN specifications. Achieving consensus on a unified set of standards is essential, enabling the development of robust translation layers that can bridge differences, eliminate confusion, and prevent market fragmentation.
As a result, testing is a key factor in advancing the development of successful, secure and manageable O-RAN solutions. Optimized testing platforms add critical value by ensuring that O-RAN components meet strict standards for performance, interoperability and security.
Driving O-RAN success
The success of 5G O-RAN deployments depends on a comprehensive strategy that combines collaboration, standardization and advanced automated testing tools. With streamlined testing processes and open communication among vendors, companies will be better equipped to manage the O-RAN deployments that are integral to a more interconnected and adaptable mobile network environment.
In close collaboration with the O-RAN ALLIANCE and its members, LitePoint contributes to the definition and implementation of required test specifications and methodologies. This partnership ensures that conformance and interoperability are validated—fundamental to successful O-RAN deployments.
Preventing fragmentation with unified O-RAN testing platforms
In O-RAN, openness presents both benefits and challenges. While increased competition and choice are advantageous, significant concerns arise regarding compatibility, management and security. This complexity is further compounded by the proliferation of market players, especially the growing number of radio architects, whose expertise in developing successful O-RAN solutions may vary widely.
Although the O-RAN ALLIANCE defines specifications and interfaces to enhance compatibility, inconsistencies can emerge due to different vendor interpretations of the standard. This has led to a highly fragmented market, highlighting potential conflicts between the compatibility and interoperability of O-RAN components manufactured by different companies.
LitePoint is focused on helping the industry avoid this fragmentation. Our comprehensive testing platform streamlines the O-RAN ecosystem by addressing the diverse requirements of a range of industry players. And our automated testing products have been used to optimize and verify the operation of over two billion wireless devices.
Successful O-RAN strategies rely on thorough testing
Effective O-RAN strategies hinge on early, thorough and meticulous testing of deployments. Testing can be conducted either in isolation or at the system level. Isolated testing evaluates individual components, ensuring that each element meets the required specifications and providing designers and system integrators with actionable results.
However, testing also poses significant challenges, particularly for new market entrants. Isolated testing of Radio Units (RUs) requires specialized equipment such as a DU emulator, vector signal generator (VSG), and vector signal analyzer (VSA). This complexity results in a lengthy testing process.
On the other hand, system-level testing involves end-to-end evaluation of the entire O-RAN system, typically managed by the system integrator or operator. This testing primarily focuses on the RF performance of base station elements, such as transmitters and receivers, including assessments of signal quality, strength and coverage.
Notably, as multi-antenna MIMO radio units have become mainstays in global RANs, LitePoint’s simplified testing approach tests the MIMO system as a whole, rather than antenna-by-antenna. In addition to simplifying testing operations, this method provides greater insight into real-world performance, providing excellent support to the movement toward Open RAN. In addition, testing all antennas at once in a 4×4 MIMO configuration can cut test cycle time nearly in half.
Testing is central to O-RAN development
For many across the wireless landscape—which includes a diverse group of vendors, operators, politicians and other ecosystem stakeholders—O-RAN is key to the future of 5G. O-RAN decouples hardware and software much like virtualized RAN, but also adds modularity, allowing interoperability between hardware and software from multiple vendors. This is the promise of eliminating vendor lock-in, helping communication service providers reduce operating expenses and ultimately, increase revenue.
O-RAN stands at a critical juncture as the 5G ecosystem seeks to balance complexity with the potential to revolutionize telecommunications. For seamless integration, vendors must harmonize their interpretations of technical specifications. This ongoing collaboration may necessitate the development of new governance structures or third-party bodies to oversee and facilitate integration.
R&D investments are essential to overcoming technical roadblocks that currently hinder interoperability. With new companies entering the market, legacy telecom vendors are no longer the sole drivers of R&D. Addressing these challenges clearly and consistently is vital for O-RAN to realize its potential.
In this intricate landscape, isolated and system-level testing provide the foundation for tackling compatibility, management, security and market fragmentation issues in O-RAN deployments. LitePoint will continue to play a leadership role, delivering the testing solutions that ensure components meet O-RAN’s rigorous standards for performance, interoperability and security.
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