z8653 6 GHz Wideband VSA (Discontinued)
Wideband Vector Signal Analyzer
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Wideband Vector Signal Analyzer
互联设备的激增是前所未有的。根据思科年度互联网报告(2018-2023 年),到 2023 年底,全球三分之二的人口使用互联网连接,近一半的互联网设备使用某种形式的移动网络进行通信。但这并不能忽视其他连接技术(如Wi-F…
While neither IQxel-80 nor IQxel-160 are able to test 1024QAM, LitePoint’s newer IQxel-MW is specifically designed for next-generation Wi-Fi….
Learn how Bluetooth®, UWB and Wi-Fi 802.11az technologies are bringing location positioning to the next generation devices.
LitePoint의 Rex Chen씨는 5G 소형셀에대한소개를제공하는이블로그게시물의작가입니다. 5G 소형 셀 소개 Small Cell Forum은 2026년까지 3,830만 개의 소형 셀이…
Ultra-Wideband (UWB) has been gaining popularity since major smartphone makers adopted it as the next-generati…
Topics include: IQgig-RF Model B, 802.11ax, 5G, mmWave, IoT, Wi-Fi, IMS 2018/IMBioC
Topics include: IQgig-5G + OTA Chamber, IQxstream-5G; Wi-Fi Quality Issues; MWC Barcelona, BIG 5G Event
Topics include: IQxel-M LoRa, IQgig-UWB, IQgig-5G; 5G, OTA Testing, Wi-Fi, Trends, User Experience; LitePoint 5G Seminar, MWC Barcelona, BIG 5G Event, LitePoint Advanced Wireless Test Technology Seminar
Topics include: IQxel-MW 7G, IQxel-MW, IQgig-5G; 5G, Wi-Fi 6 in the 6 GHz band, 5G devices, OFDMA Test Solution and LitePoint joining FiRa Consortium