Wi-Fi is now one of the most widely deployed high data rate wireless technologies for consumer and enterprise applications. However, in high density environments such as airports or stadiums, the technology is becoming bogged down by its own success…often leading users to incorrectly believe their device is faulty, not the surrounding infrastructure.
To help resolve this wireless gridlock, a new standard known as High Efficiency Wireless (IEEE 802.11ax) is being developed and promises to significantly increase per user throughput in high density user environments.
LitePoint is the global leader in testing 802.11 wireless technologies; and this webcast will provide you with an introduction to the physical layer (PHY) technical enhancements of the new 802.11ax standard and covers some of the new performance and test challenges. The webcast will cover these topics:
- Overview of applications driving 802.11ax
- Key 802.11ax PHY layer changes that improve efficiency
- Test challenges of 802.11ax
Upon completion of this webinar, you’ll have a good understanding of the upcoming changes to expect with 802.11ax and you’ll be able to prepare and plan for future testing requirements.