Search Results for: wi-fi
Join LItePoint’s Adam Smith in this deep dive around Wi-Fi 6E standards and requirements.
本博客的作者是 LitePoint 的 Eve Danel。在本篇博文中,您将了解到蓝牙、超宽带和 Wi-Fi 规范在改善定位功能方面的更新。 蓝牙、超宽带和 Wi-Fi 的最新标准更新引入了更加准确的全新定位功能,无线设备设计人员可利用这些功能来支持新的室内定位应用。在本篇博文中,我们将回顾这些方法,并比较它们各自在提供改进功能方面的优势。 在主要用于室外应用的 GPS 和其他卫星技术精度不够或者受到建筑物或其他障碍物阻挡的情况下,可使用这些定位功能来精准定位人或物体。虽然其他室内定位系统可以检测到物体的位置,但其精度只能达到几米的量级,这意味着这些系统不能用于许多需要更高精度的应用中。 蓝牙和 Wi-Fi 均已广泛用于许多室内定位的部署。这些技术早期版本的定位功能主要基于接收信号强度指标 (RSSI)。这种方法可以通过测量接收信号的强度来确定发射器和接收点之间的距离,然后根据相应的信号衰减进行定位计算。RSSI 方法的精度受多种因素的限制,主要是发射器和接收器之间是否存在导致衰减的障碍物。如果存在障碍物,那么测量精度会相应降低。如果信号强度测量值未经校准,那么其精度也会降低,从而导致位置计算出现几 dB 的误差。 另外,RSSI 方法本身也不是十分安全,可能会受到“中间人”(MITM) 攻击。当攻击者放大传输信号以使发射器看起来比实际更近时,就会发生这种攻击。 下一代定位技术的目标是达到更高的安全水平,以及低至几十厘米的精度。微定位开启了新一代的用例,允许用户以极其精确的方式与所处环境和周围物体交互。 蓝牙低功耗 5.1 最新加入的蓝牙 5.1 标准增加了几个定向增强功能,可提供传入信号的角度信息。这项标准指定了两种方法:提供到达角 (AOA) 信息和提供离开角 (AOD) 信息。(阅读本博客,了解我们为何需要这些测量值的完整说明。) 在定向方面,蓝牙 5.1 设备可以传输特殊格式的数据包,蓝牙 5.1 接收器使用至少有 2 根天线的天线阵列,以根据天线之间的相位差、信号波长和天线之间的距离来计算入射角。 将 RSSI 信息与 AOA 或 AOD 相结合,可以更精确地确定设备位置。 图 1:蓝牙低功耗 5.1 定向 超宽带 (UWB) 基于 IEEE 802.15.4z-2020 HRP…
Wi-Fi connectivity–due to the rise of the smartphone–is important to our daily lives. This article discusses common indicators for assessing Wi-Fi performance, causes of certain issues and how mobile phone manufacturers can avoid quality issues by testing.
Wi-Fi 6E in the 6 GHz band. What challenges and opportunities does it bring? Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) is here and the standard brings major changes to the RF-PHY compared to previous generations. In this session, we will focus on these new features and the challenges they bring when validating designs and products. View Tech Exchange…
Wi-Fi HaLow is an exciting technology to address application use-cases such as security cameras, industrial monitoring, and a wide range of other indoor and outdoor IoT deployments. Our video series, 3 for 3, provides 3 answers for 3 pressing questions about trends in wireless test. In this video, Adam Smith discusses what is unique about Wi-Fi…
Connectivity for large venues is exacerbated by the growth in data consumption. Join Adam Smith, Director of Product Marketing at LitePoint for this webinar as he and others talk about the evolution in cellular and Wi-Fi technologies, and considerations pertaining to 5G and Wi-Fi 6. Speakers: Catherine Sbeglia, Technology Editor, RCR Wireless News Adam Smith,…
The surge in connected devices is unprecedented. According to the Cisco Annual Internet Report (2018-2023), by the end of 2023, two-thirds of the world’s population was served by an internet connection, and nearly half of all internet-enabled devices were communicating using some form of mobile network. But that doesn’t discount the fact that other connectivity technologies, such as…