IQnews 2018年第二季度新聞稿
Topics include: IQgig-RF Model B, 802.11ax, 5G, mmWave, IoT, Wi-Fi, IMS 2018/IMBioC
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Topics include: IQgig-RF Model B, 802.11ax, 5G, mmWave, IoT, Wi-Fi, IMS 2018/IMBioC
Companies integrate test solution to validate the quality of NXP UWB solutions for IoT, automotive and mobile device applications.
Bluetooth® low energy chips from Nordic enable makers of advanced Internet of Things devices to rapidly bring innovative IoT products to market
Stacey Higginbotham, who is an expert on IoT and hosts …
Frequency range 1 (FR1), spans from 410 MHz – 7.125 GHz. Frequency range 2 (FR2), also known as millimeter wave (mmWave), supports operation in the 24.25 GHz – 52.6 GHz range as part of the 5G Physical Layer Changes.
LitePoint’s Rex Chen is the author of this bl…
LitePoint의 Rex Chen씨는 5G 소형셀에대한소개를제공하는이블로그게시물의작가입니…
このブログは、LitePoint のレックス・チェン (Rex Chen) による投稿で、5G スモールセルの…
Bluetooth® low energy is a leading standard for the Int…
半导体短缺将对电子生态系统产生影响。确保业务连续性是必须的,这可以通过加强供应商和客户之间的协作来实现。LitePoint 的创新商业模式、先进的测试仪以及与 Teradyne 的合作提供了各种解决方案,从而减少生产风险和上市时间,并帮助减轻半导体短缺的影响。